Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation main objectives are to reinforce and promote women’s empowerment and their full participation in political, economic and social decisions with respect to human rights and gender equality.
UniversalDoctor Project, based in Barcelona, Spain, is a digital global health company dedicated to facilitating multilingual communication between health care personnel and patients who do not speak the same language. UniversalDoctor develops applications to overcome language barriers by offering thousands of medical phrases and audios in over 20 languages covering various medical disciplines. These applications have been adapted and tailored for use in a variety of healthcare contexts, such as maternal health, emergency rooms, ambulatory services, pharmacies and more.
2012 - 2020
Advanced Development for Africa (ADA) is an African-based non-profit organization with a major focus on fostering maternal and child health in Africa. ADA seeks to accomplish its mission through proven methods of capacity building, technology transfer, forums, and cross cutting-sector partnerships, to improve maternal and child health and reducing the disease burden on the population; to promote educational excellence by giving youth the opportunity to receive training through Information & Communication Technology and virtual learning; to boost gender equality and empower women by giving them the right tools and equal opportunities for education; and to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
The Diplomatic Council (DC) is a United Nations (UN) registered global Think Tank with the objective to serve as a bridge between diplomacy, economy and society. A thriving economy bringing prosperity to mankind is one of the best guarantor for peace. As members the Diplomatic Council welcomes not solely members of the diplomatic or consular corps but also personalities from industry, politics, society, culture and sports. The DC network encompasses more than 5000 personalities worldwide.
Giving Women is a network of women involved in philanthropy who together pool their time, knowledge, professional experience, financial resources and ideas in order to be more informed and effective givers. Through identified projects, Giving Women forms a bridge between women in need of support and women in a position to support them.
Giving Women is convinced that every women and girl on the world has the right to health, safety and equality. To realise this vision, Giving Women’s mission is to build a community of informed women philanthropists and to make a meaningful difference in the life of women and girls in need. |
Ouvert le 19 mars 2009, Natecia est devenue aujourd’hui la première maternité privée de Rhône-Alpes et la deuxième maternité privée en France avec plus de 4 500 naissances réalisées en 2014. Dirigé par Jean-Loup Durousset, l’établissement est reconnu pour sa qualité de prise en charge et le développement de ses activités pluridisciplinaires : maternité, chirurgie, pédopsychiatrie, consultations… en accueillant près de 18 000 patients annuellement sur la région.
Natecia se mobilise aux cotés de la fondation ZeroMothersDie qui lutte à travers plusieurs actions concrètes, contre les décès maternels. La fondation a décidé d’utiliser une approche basée sur l’utilisation systématique de téléphones portables pour élargir les connaissances des femmes enceintes, accroître leur habilité à gérer leur grossesse et faciliter un accès équitable aux services de santé maternelle et aux soins d’urgence. Cette méthode de prévention et de pédagogie a déjà permis de sauver la vie de plusieurs mères et leurs nouveau-nés. |
L’UNFM (Université Numérique Francophone Mondiale) a pour mission d’utiliser internet et les technologies de communication pour permettre la création et la diffusion d’un enseignement de qualité dans un environnement de pénurie.
Les formations ciblent des professionnels en exercice et sont majoritairement réalisées par les experts des pays bénéficiaires pour être adaptées au terrain. Elles complètent la liste des actions de formation de la francophonie. |
UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, is an innovative joint venture of the United Nations family, bringing together the efforts and resources of eleven UN system organizations in the AIDS response to help the world prevent new HIV infections, care for people living with HIV, and mitigate the impact of the epidemic. |
Airtel is driven by the vision of providing affordable and innovative mobile services to all. Airtel has African operations in: Burkina Faso, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Madagascar, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. |
ZMQ Software Systems is a Technology for Development Social Enterprise. The organization develops innovative ICT solutions, software, and applications for empowering people and enabling sustainable development. ZMQ specializes in developing solutions in the areas of public health, education, skills development & training, enterprise development & livelihood generation, environment, disaster management and agriculture. The core competencies of the company are developing eLearning, Gaming, Edutainment, Knowledge Management, Human Performance solutions; and customized applications & software.
The Global Partnerships Forum serves as a platform for building innovative partnerships and alliances, through knowledge sharing. It brings together leaders from across sectors to address global challenges, and fosters economic growth to help achieve greater prosperity around the world, by moving beyond aid to economic empowerment.
The Global Partnerships Forum provides an enabling environment to collaborate with policy makers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, investors, and thought leaders from across sectors – to encourage investments that also promote social good. We provide lessons learned, best practice and information on projects that can have sustainable social impact. |
La Fundación EHAS trabaja para mejorar la atención de salud en zonas rurales y aisladas de países en desarrollo, utilizando para ello las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones). Ponemos la tecnología al servicio de las personas para llevar la salud allá donde no llega, conectando al personal de atención para que puedan consultar sus dudas, enviar y recibir información epidemiológica o coordinar el traslado de pacientes urgentes. Apostamos además por las valiosas oportunidades que en estas regiones abre un uso apropiado de la telemedicina.
The Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (also known as FIOCRUZ), an institution of the Ministry of Health of Brazil, is a scientific institution for research and development in biological sciences and is considered one of the world's main public health research institutions. The institution has a broad range of responsibilities related to the health and wellbeing of the Brazilian population. This includes hospital and ambulatory care; health-related research; development of vaccines, drugs, reagents, and diagnostic kits; training of public health and health workers; and providing information and communications related to health, science, and technology.
The Gambo Hospital is a District Hospital participating in all National Programs and World Health Organization Programs including Integrated Management and Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI), Integrated Management of Pregnancy and Antenatal Care (IMPAC), EPI (Expanded Program of Immunization), Therapeutic Feeding Centre for Severe Acute Malnutrition (TFC for SAM), Tuberculosis and Leprosy control, HIV prevention and diagnosis (being one of the permanent Sentinel Surveillance points for the national surveillance system), ART (Antiretroviral Therapy) and PMTCT (Prevention of Mother To Child transmission) services. Gambo Hospital has a catchment area of 458,112 people.
The Association Mondiale des Amis de l'Enfance (AMADE) was founded in 1963 following the wish of princess Grace of Monaco, and is a global network, with national branches and implementation partners across four continents, working to help more than 40,000 of the world’s most vulnerable children every year. AMADE is based on a vision: the vision of a world where every child, whatever his social, religious or cultural origins are, would have the capacity to live in dignity and security, his fundamental rights fully respected. As an NGO dedicated to development, AMADE aims to bring about sustainable and innovative responses to the issues it faces, focusing on capacity building and empowerment of its beneficiaries.