Zero Mothers Die is very happy to announce that we are partnering with the Gambo General Rural Hospital of Ethiopia on a project to localize the Zero Mothers Die App for the Oromia region of Ethiopia, which will involve the translation and adaptation of the content into Afaan Oromo by medical staff, specifically those involved in maternal, newborn and child health programs of the hospital.
The Gambo Hospital is a District Hospital participating in all National Programs and World Health Organization Programs including Integrated Management and Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI), Integrated Management of Pregnancy and Antenatal Care (IMPAC), EPI (Expanded Program of Immunization), Therapeutic Feeding Centre for Severe Acute Malnutrition (TFC for SAM), Tuberculosis and Leprosy control, HIV prevention and diagnosis (being one of the permanent Sentinel Surveillance points for the national surveillance system), ART (Antiretroviral Therapy) and PMTCT (Prevention of Mother To Child transmission) services. Gambo Hospital has a catchment area of 458,112 people.
The content localization process is underway and we look forward to launching the ZMD Ethiopia App in 2018.
If you are an organization interested in deploying a tailored version of the ZMD App for your country or region, send us a message!